Insight Course: Lesson Seven
Breathing Love
Page Two of Two
Love comes to those who still hope even though they've been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they've been betrayed, and to those who still love even though they've been hurt.
~ Anonymous
A second exercise on the Web of Love website is called the charging breath. It's another great tool for opening heart and spirit to the flow of love. Read about and explore the charging breath exercise before coming back. - The charging breath
Breath is powerful! For the few people who find the charging breath too intense, simply focusing on slow, full breaths for five minutes while breathing sacred love can have a similar effect. Just make sure that you inhale until your lungs are as full as possible and exhale until they are empty for every breathing cycle.
Using breath in this way opens energetic channels in our bodies that lay dormant most of the time. When we combine breathing the Web of Love with this slow, deep breathing or with the charging breath, the results are phenomenal. We are truly charging ourselves and the entire web of love which connects us to all hearts around the world.
As this is such a simple, yet powerful tool, we invite you to set aside 30 minutes or more now to explore and play with these exercises. Consider sitting quietly while imagining a different person in your life for each new breath as you breathe sacred love with them. See if you can even open to breathing sacred love with people on the list you made in lesson three towards whom you hold blame or judgment.
Breathe love also with members of your family and with our world leaders. Breathe sacred love with others moving through this course who like you are ready to be the change. Allow sacred love to infuse you and flow strongly inside you and out to all around you. This is one powerful way we can be the change we want to see.
To close this lesson, you are invited to listen to the beautiful song "I Choose Love" at the video link below. You might even play with breathing sacred love while watching this inspiring six-minute video. Our sacred love is ever flowing.
Special Note: Unless you are experienced with breathwork, we advise limiting the number of times you do the charging breath to a few times a day and to no more than a minute or two of rapid breathing. Slow, very deep breathing, however, is very safe and can have the same powerfully opening effect. You can safely do slow, full, deep breathing for hours while opening to the deep heart connection we share with all beings through love. You might be surprised at just how delicious this feels!
One of the attributes of love, like art, is to bring harmony and order out of chaos, to introduce meaning and affect where before there was none, to give rhythmic variations, highs and lows to a landscape that was previously flat. ~ Molly Haskell
The Chinese Character for Love
Take Action: Suggested Activities to Be the Change
- Make breathing sacred love a part of your daily life. When you wake up in the morning and before going to bed at night, take time to breathe sacred love. Do the same periodically throughout the day. Don't forget to breathe love with groups and communities in which you are involved and with our world leaders. Consider breathing sacred love with all beings in the universe.
- Explore breathing love with yourself in the future. You can do this by simply imagining yourself at some point in the future and breathing sacred love in and out. Once you've been doing this a while, you can feel the love sent to yourself from the past at any time. You can especially send love to yourself in times of difficulty in the future. And then when you eventually encounter a big challenge, remember to open to that love you've sent yourself.
- Remember that there are many thousands around the globe who are breathing sacred love with you all the time. When the going gets tough, open to feeling our collective love channeling support into your heart. And conversely, when you're feeling passionate and excited about life, share that energy by breathing love and passion with us and with all around you.
- Play with using the charging breath to shift your energy to a more expanded state. Notice when you are feeling a little down or low on energy and see what happens when you expand your breath. Invite others to join you.
- Consider increasing your awareness of breathing as you move through your day-to-day life. Explore deepening and slowing your breath throughout the day. Inspiration means to breathe in. This inspiring practice can actually cause physiological changes which help you to feel more full and open and experience deeper connections with yourself and those around you. This single shift can cause you to be the change in a most profound way.
For Those Who Want More - Web of Love website
Take some time to explore some of the many inspiring resources on this empowering website. The Web of Love website is one of several sister websites to the this one, all under the management of the nonprofit organization PEERS. To see the central PEERS website, click here. - Website of Rick and Dick Hoyt
Learn more about the amazing story of this father and son team. Together the Hoyts don't only compete athletically; they also go on motivational speaking tours, spreading the Hoyt brand of inspiration to all kinds of audiences, sporting and non-sporting, across the country. The message of Team Hoyt is that everybody should be included in everyday life. This is inspiration at its best. - Holotropic Breathwork
Holotropic Breathwork is a safe and simple way to invite experiences of non-ordinary consciousness that reveal psychic depths and spiritual understanding. Lost memories from our personal history, experiences from our birth, and other non-ordinary phenomena become available in holotropic awareness, helping us transcend the constraints of our ordinary thoughts and habits. This link takes you to a list of associations for this powerful modality. - Wikipedia on breathwork
Short but informative article on breathwork in the Wikipedia. Lists and gives links to several major, well-known types of breathwork designed to take us both deeper into ourselves and into connection with all around us. - Inspiring Website:
Idealist is an interactive website where dedicated people and organizations exchange empowering resources and ideas, locate opportunities and supporters, and take steps to build a better world. You can also create a personal profile to network with other idealists, sign up for daily alerts with opportunities matching your interests, learn about community actions in their resource centers, list your organization, and post opportunities, program information, events, and much more.
Our sacred love flows out to you and to all. This is how we powerfully create change in our lives and world. Lesson eight will take you back into the shadow realms as we explore the hidden agendas of the power elite. You can even breathe sacred love into these shadows before you begin to explore the information given.
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The Insight Course website is part of the PEERS empowerment network
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"