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Special Note
For Those on a Deep Spiritual Path

For those who are on a path of spiritual growth and exploration, there is another version of the Insight Course called the Transformation Course. This inspiring course does not adhere to any particular religion or denomination. It was specifically designed for those who believe that the Divine is present everywhere, and that all people deserve our love and support to be the best they can be.

The Transformation Course covers content very similar to that of the Insight Course, yet puts it all into a deeper spiritual perspective. Unlike the Insight Course, this version of the course frequently discusses the role of the collective consciousness of humanity in how things are unfolding on our planet. It is also our most popular course, likely because it is more holistic and more focused on love than the Insight Course.

If these words don't call to you, the Insight Course is likely the best choice for you. If, however, this strikes a chord in your heart, consider exploring the Transformation Course on the Transformation Team website by clicking on the words below.

The Transformation Team and Course

The Insight Course website is part of the PEERS empowerment network

"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"